Financial Advice Available
Good Morning Business Leaders!
I hope this message finds you well. With all the SBA loans available there is much information to sort through. Any current or interested borrowers are encouraged to contact the Alternatives Business Lending Team to talk through your specific situation so they can determine how they might be able to help. There is a lot of information available and each business owner’s needs are different. The direct contact information is listed below.
Bob Anderson-
Branka Gligoric-
Dante Acquavella-
In addition, Talia Watson BLOC’s Financial Advisor can…
Create a digital map of the member's household assets that acts as an easy-to-read official snapshot of your entire situation (cash flows, assets, liabilities, and insurances) to be used with an attorney, accountant, loan underwriter, or simply to reference when making financial decisions.
Create a funding goal map thatcalculates what you will need for various goals, such as: retirement, loss oflife, a home purchase, etc. Second step is using the asset map is to calculatehow close to your funding goal you are already. Third, she can talk about whatmonthly practices can be used to keep you on track to meeting those goals.
Business owners and entrepreneurscan consult with Talia to discuss how your business and personal finances canbe balanced and well managed. In addition, discuss in-depth managing revenuestreams, cash flows, and capital funding to get out of red and become incomepositive.
Lastly, she provides personalizededucation on various financial instruments. For example, providing an overviewof how life insurance, annuities, or combination products work. Help you analyzeany products you are considering, discuss pros and cons, and help to calculatean appropriate utilization. Another example: how much life insurance do you actuallyneed, and if you can't afford that amount monthly, what are the ways to getcoverage at a lower rate and ensure your family's safety?
As a side note: as an independent fiduciary, she is legally and morally bound to providing education and unbiased product analysis for anyone she advises. Any recommendation is believed to be in your best interest.